Tuesday 24 July 2012


Cosplaying is really fundamental for an Otaku (wait, me?)

I’ve been expecting for my hanegasaki-gakuen cosplay costumes. It’s tailor-made, of course. I’ve been wanting to learn how to sew better so I can make my own cosplay costumes. I can do the basic of sewing. And I created some clothes for my barbies. But I never make anything for human’s clothes. Well, I do make some pencil cases and small stuffs like that.

Anyway! Back to the topic!
Today, I want to talk about cosplaying.

Cosplay is an abbreviation of "costume-play". The term refers to dressing up as an anime/manga/game character.
Cosplay is a popular hobby of teen-aged girls in Japan, and is also prominent amongst anime fans worldwide. Sometimes, cosplays can be very good; with a well-crafted, well-fitting costume that looks like its original reference. Such cosplays often require hours of hard work, and considerable seing talent.
Other times, cosplays can be horrendous; especially when fat, balding, middle-aged men decide to cosplay as Sailor Moon, or when a costume really doesn't fit the wearer.

Cosplays are made for the following reasons:
1.   To recreate a 2 dimensional art form into 3-D. 
2.  To challenge one's self to create a cosplay. Many of which dont seem possible to physically create, but somehow are. 
3.  To show appreciation and/or interest in a certain anime/manga/videogame. 
4.  To take pride in a cosplay that looks well done. 
5.  Because normal cloth that is shitted out for everyone via mass factories and little kids are dull. Cosplays are much more interesting to wear. And each cosplay is one of a kind unique considering the wearer most likely made it him/herself. 
6.  It's a Hobby 

Reasons why cosplays are worn: 
1.   To take pride in ones own creation 
2.  To wear something out of the ordinary (societies restrictions on what is allowable to be worn everyday is bland) 
3.  To show support and/or interest in an anime/manga/videogame 
4.  Self expression. Often the character that is choosen to be cosplayed mirrors the actual person wearing the cosplay.

Now, wasn’t that interesting?
Please leave comment!

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